Supported Employment

Supported Employment

Since Discovery was created, we have supported well over 100 people into employment and are proud of what each and every one of them have achieved. 100% of families have rated us as ‘excellent’ and 100% of employers have rated us as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’.

In 2019, our dedicated Supported Employment Team won the British Association of Supported Employment (BASE) national award for Team of the Year.

We believe in a person-centred approach helping everyone to achieve their aspirations:

Mollie is a young autistic lady who says..

“I’ve been in crisis throughout my life, and then I reached a breaking point where I couldn’t even manage basic life skills. Thanks to support from Gina Pring and Discovery’s Supported Employment Team, I have a job working in a supermarket, I passed my 6-month probation. I have friends my age. I’ve passed my driving test. I moved into my own place and I am doing my washing, learning how to cook, run a house, pay bills and clean my space. My mental health has improved, I am more positive and talkative and I feel proud of myself and my decisions.”

This is just the beginning for Mollie, who after having a successful transition from living with her parents into the shared life scheme has now secured a new role as a Shared Lives Ambassador.

Many employers are not taking advantage of the talented pool of disabled candidates seeking work, including autistic people and people with learning disabilities, who are far less likely to have a job than the general population.

65% of autistic people and those with learning disabilities would like to be in paid employment, but only 6% are currently in work.

Paid employment can give autistic people and people with learning disabilities a sense of independence, both personal and financial, that they would not otherwise have. It allows them opportunities to make a wider circle of friends, earn money and put their skills to use in creative ways that helps lead to more fulfilling and richer lives.

Both the people we support and the employers we have worked with have commented on the real difference our supported employment programme has made to their lives and workplaces.

Are you an employer, an employee or interested in our projects? Follow the links for more info: