Stephanie Mills, Manager of the Year award

Stephanie was nominated by Discovery’s managing director Helen Orford and will be represented by a person she supports at the Awards night itself.

Stephanie told us, “I am ecstatic to have been nominated for an award within the manager’s category of the National Learning Disability awards. It was real honour to be recognised for the passion and enthusiasm of the support team that I manage within Discovery. We really are focused on supporting people to “Get more from life”.”

In her nomination, Helen said,

“I have just attended what can only be described as the most uplifting team meeting that I have attended in my 30 plus years of working in housing, care and support services.

Our support worker colleagues, were keen to inform me about the compassion of their manager, to inform me how lucky they were to have her as their manager, how she is determined to meet every persons support needs and choices and how fantastically she works in partnership with families.

New colleagues described how welcome they felt, longer standing colleagues suggested that in 20 or more years, she is the best manager they have ever had. I asked, as I often do, if there is anything the Organisation could do more of, less of or better to support them well and the resounding/united view was – don’t move Steph anywhere else!

Another colleague who had previously not had such a great experience in a different team, indicated that she has regained confidence previously lost, since joining the team.

In this unprecedented period, where social care colleagues are feeling fatigued by the impact of the pandemic, compassionate leadership is our single most powerful antidote for the non-medical impact of the pandemic on our workforce, an attribute that Steph clearly has in abundance.”

Do you think you could be the next Stephanie? Consider a career in support at Discovery:

Good luck Steph!