Some heroes wear capes, ours wear headbands
Locality Manager, Jade Tillson, has collected 1100 headbands and button extensions for all of Discovery’s colleagues so that the protective masks are more comfortable to wear.
The headbands and button extensions stop the masks from rubbing over the ears and digging into the eyes.
Jade who is the Locality Manager for Russet House in Yeovil, asked her mum if she could make some for her team and they were so successful she thought that all colleagues should have one. She contacted craft groups across the UK as far away as Nottingham. The accessories were sent to Dorchester and Jade made regular journeys to collect and distribute them across Somerset. One woman in Bridgwater made 170!
Jade, said: “People have been amazingly kind. Over the last couple of weeks, I have been organising how many are needed in each of our locations and driving around collecting headbands for everyone. “