Online Colleague induction is a huge success
After a successful campaign to recruit more colleagues during the last three months, creating an online induction process has been a challenge. More than 100 colleagues have been through our induction process in the last eight weeks.
Colleagues usually work in their allocated service from day one, receiving their local induction, but because of lockdown measures, an eight-day online induction has been developed which could be done from home. This has not only released pressure on managers and colleagues who have been working long hours to cover shifts during the height of the pandemic, but it has also ensured our new recruits receive all the training they need.
We currently induct 15 new colleagues each week; seven trainers provide 15 hours of session work, with the rest of the time made up of online learning. The sessions cover everything from completing the essential Care Certificate training and fire safety, to lifting and handling.
Paul Chorley, training and development manager says: “We had to develop this programme in a very short space of time, so we are delighted with the positive feedback from participants and trainers. Not only are we managing to deliver the induction remotely, in less time than it would have taken traditionally, we have also saved money. Most have welcomed the experience of completing their induction from home in their first week, as this has prepared them really well for their introduction into the workplace.”
One of the new starters said: “I’ve been working in care for over 20 years. I have found the induction week fun and enjoyable. It was not what I was expecting. Please thank everyone”.
Locality managers are really impressed with how knowledegable and well-prepared our new recruits are; so much so that our Learning and Development team have been asked if existing colleagues can attend sessions to help with their development!