How Geoff got his scan.
When a person we support, we’ll call him Geoff, developed a reoccurring UTI, his GP felt he needed a scan.
Until now, Geoff hadn’t been able to tolerate any medical intervention, not even a stethoscope, let alone a scan.
The team made an appointment six weeks away– this sounds like a long time when someone has a urinary infection, but we knew it would take that long to prepare Geoff for what lay ahead.
Following some gentle encouragement, our support team were able to get time from Geoff’s doctor to work out a desensitisation plan together.
We then went to work with the desensitisation plan, buying KY Jelly and roll-on deodorant.
On day one, Geoff would not let them even put it on his hand, but within a few days Geoff would lie on the sofa, lift his top, and giggle in anticipation of the KY Jelly and roll-on deodorant getting rubbed over his tummy!
Now it was time for phase two. We needed to desensitise Geoff to a much bigger area – the hospital.
Accompanied by a Proact- SCIP-r practioner, the team set out on a five-day tour:
Day one – drive to the hospital and back.
Day two – drive to the hospital, enter the hospital and have a Costa.
Day three – drive to the hospital, walk halfway down the hospital corridor and have a Costa.
Day four – drive to the hospital, walk the hospital corridor route, return and have a Costa.
Day five – drive to the hospital, walk the hospital corridor route, have the scan – and a Costa!
It worked!
Even though Geoff wouldn’t lie on the couch, he was happy walking around and kept coming back to the sonographer, who managed to get snapshots on each returning visit. The result? All clear!
This was more than a breakthrough for Geoff. The doctor wrote to Discovery to compliment the team.
Congratulations, team (and you know who you are) on the tremendous partnership, courage, ambition, respect and integrity – now let’s have a Costa!
But first, how about taking our quiz here to see if you would make a great support worker too?