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As an organisation supporting autistic people and people with learning disabilities, we are committed to safeguarding people at risk.

The people we support deserve to live the life that they choose – a life that is safe and free from abuse. Discovery is part of the Dimensions group and you can find out about the group-wide policy here

We aim to strike a balance between supporting people to lead independent, fulfilling and self-determined lives whilst managing the risks that they are exposed to as a result of being learning disabled or autistic.

Everyone connected to the Dimensions group should be confident that the people we support receive the highest quality of care in a safe environment. We are committed to be an exemplary organisation in all that we do, including how we respond to safeguarding issues.

We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission and you can download our safeguarding policy here.

The Dimensions Group takes a personalised approach in how we respond to any safeguarding experience. Our staff have the knowledge, skills and confidence to address safeguarding issues .

Our recruitment, training and development approaches are informed by safeguarding experience. We actively encourage people to speak out loudly about the things that matter to them. Throughout this, we listen and we learn.

Safeguarding Panel

We have appointed an independent chair to our Safeguarding Panel. This makes us one of the few organisations to open ourselves up to independent scrutiny in this way.

The Safeguarding Panel reviews safeguarding incidents in order to embed learning across the organisation.

Alan Critchley, Independent Chair of the Dimensions Group Safeguarding Panel

Alan is a Safeguarding specialist having chaired, managed and independently reviewed safeguarding boards. As a social worker, Alan has worked to support vulnerable people for many years but also has experience at a strategic level, including as Regional Director at Cafcass and as chair of the Walsall Adult & Children’s Safeguarding Boards.

Alan has contributed as a Safeguarding expert to an enquiry into safeguarding failures in a national charity and works with Kent County Council as an independent chair and author of safeguarding adult reviews and domestic homicide reviews.


Whistleblowing in the workplace can be defined as; bringing to the attention of someone in authority an act, incident or procedure that is not right; or a concern or suspicion that something is unethical.

This includes such issues as malpractice, dangerous activity, abuse, fraud or corruption.

In most cases, a member of staff should be able to raise concerns with their immediate manager. However, where the member of staff does not feel able to do this, they can call the whistleblowing hotline (operated by an external, independent company).

The number to use is 0800 915 1571. This service is available 24 hours a day and ensures the confidentiality of the person raising the concern.

Download our whistleblowing policy

Making a complaint

There are a number of ways in which you can make a complaint. Find out more here