Egg-cellent news

A jobseeker is celebrating egg-cellent news after securing employment working on an egg farm, thanks to the Discovery supported employment service.

James Padfield, 34, from Castle Carey, and Paula Dowding, who works as a supported employment co-ordinator, have been applying for jobs since March when James lost his gardening job due to lockdown.

With Paula’s help, James, who has learning needs, applied for more than 20 jobs in his area, he attended several job interviews before landing his new role. Now he works full-time on a farm packaging eggs and is doing really well.

Paula, his adviser, said: “I met James in March and I immediately started to cold call employers and we secured a week’s work trial at a farm and he did really well and impressed the employer. He now works five days a week.”

Discovery’s award-winning supported employment service has helped hundreds of people aged over 18 with autism and learning needs, to gain employment.

Paula added: “It’s important not to lose hope when job searching, we tried so hard and did many job applications before we were successful. Offering the employer a work trial, which is a working interview, worked best for us. There is a job out there for everyone, don’t give up.”

If you are an employer and would like to offer an opportunity to people being supported by Discovery’s supported employment service or a jobseeker with autism or learning needs, please contact employment manager Alexandra Seddon on 07908633773 or email to find out more.