Sam Lismore
“My career started in 1994 when I was offered a job as a support worker in a challenging behaviour setting. I couldn’t believe how rewarding this role was and I was determined to find out as much as I could and where it could take me. By the age of 23 (three years later), I was managing this service.
I developed cancer in 2005 and after treatment, my confidence took a massive nose dive and stayed like that for many years. It wasn’t until last year that I really felt I had to give myself a kick and get on with what I really wanted to achieve. Six months after taking control back of my life I am managing for Discovery. I love my job!
“My biggest achievement in my personal life was having the determination to kick cancer’s butt! In my work life, the biggest achievement is getting where I am now and having the confidence to do it on a daily basis, not allowing my past to dictate my future.”
If you’re thinking about your own career pathways, I would advise you to be clear about what you need to know in order to achieve your career goals and then think about who you can reach out to for advice on how to gain that knowledge. Take on board the importance of continual learning. Value the experiences you have had, and always be on the lookout for more.”