A man in a blue t-shirt is sitting looking at something not shown, two men are looking at him
A man in a blue t-shirt is sitting looking at something not shown, two men are looking at him

Regulators, Reports and strategy

We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission in England.

You can find the CQC rating of each of our registered services on the CQC web site and on this page of our website.

We are also accredited by the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS), which means our health and safety standards have been externally assessed.


You can view our accounts below:


        Discovery is part of Dimensions.

        Beyond the regulation requirements, Dimensions has also developed its own quality standards and benchmarks. These are monitored by Dimensions’ quality and compliance team and embedded by our Performance Coaches.

        Across the Dimensions Group we employ experts by experience who have learning disabilities and/or are autistic. They work in our quality and compliance team and carry out nationwide quality audits, following the Reach II standards.

        We were one of the first social care organisations to appoint an independent safeguarding chair, to ensure the highest level of scrutiny of our standards.

        We act in accordance with a comprehensive set of policies, with particular focus on those that keep the people we support safe and well.

        Find out more about our safeguarding and whistleblowing policies and how to raise a concern, make a compliment or complaint here.

        A range of other policies and statements, are published on the Dimensions website here.

        National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)

        In 2017 Discovery commissioned the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) to perform a quality review of Discovery’s services, framed against what good care and support looks like nationally. In 2021 we commissioned NDTi again, to help us create a new ‘community outreach’ approach to supporting people to live great lives. NDTi is nationally respected and wholly independent of Discovery, Dimensions and Somerset County Council.

        Our strategy for 2025

        Discovery is part of the Dimensions Group and in our strategy for 2025, we envisage ‘Better Lives for More People’.

        Download our strategy for 2025 here.