Month: November 2020

23rd November 2020

STOMPing out over medication

A carer guides a man's hand while he holds a ball.

A man we support at The Willows in Taunton has had his medication successfully reduced and stopped after a STOMP plan was introduced in the summer. STOMP is an NHS campaign to ‘stop the over medication of people with learning disabilities and/or autism’. The man was taking antidepressant medications Citalopram and Amitriptyline when Discovery started […]

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23rd November 2020

CQC rating

In the past two months Discovery has received one ‘Good’ and one ‘Requires Improvement’ rating from CQC, the latter service previously rated ‘Good.’

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2nd November 2020

Egg-cellent news

A jobseeker is celebrating egg-cellent news after securing employment working on an egg farm, thanks to the Discovery supported employment service. James Padfield, 34, from Castle Carey, and Paula Dowding, who works as a supported employment co-ordinator, have been applying for jobs since March when James lost his gardening job due to lockdown.

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