Month: October 2020

23rd October 2020

Key worker success

Glastonbury’s busy ambulance station has welcomed a new member to its team, who’s delighted to become a key worker.

Ryan Chapman, 33, has achieved his first job and is proud to be responsible for keeping the ambulance station clean and tidy for its busy staff.

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15th October 2020

Small sparks comes to the rescue

Jordan, who works as a mechanic in Bridgwater, has been awarded a grant to buy his own tools.
The grant from Small Sparks is part of the Discovery Community Fund which awards people with additional needs £500 to enable them to live fulfilling lives in their community.

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9th October 2020

Carnival magic

As a substitute for carnival preparation, we decided as a team to build a float and Michael chose the theme: `Michael’s ark.’ We made animals out of toilet rolls and recycled products so they could be collected in his float.

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